Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Native Species Spotlight: Dense Gayfeather (Liatris spicata)

A wonderful addition to any wildflower or butterfly garden is the Dense Gayfeather. Despite its delicate appearance up close, this species is remarkably hardy. It can withstand extreme heat and periods of drought as well as cooler temperatures and abundant rain, making it ideal for the beginning gardener. Gayfeather also is irresistible to bees and butterflies. Dense gayfeather blooms through fall and summer, sending up multiple stalks loaded with tiny purple-pink flower heads. Individual stalks can reach 3 feet in height, which makes it an ideal backdrop for native grasses and other wildflowers. It can be readily grown from seed and is easily propagated by the home gardener.

This species of liatris grows best in full sun and requires no supplemental water after establishment.

(Native- FAC)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Eco Eye Candy- Grow Your Own Bamboo Bike

EcoSRQ is always on the lookout for innovative bike designs, particularly those crafted with sustainable materials.  That’s why the Ajiro Bamboo Velobike, from student designer Alexander Vittouris, featured in the Australian Design Awards caught our eye.  The bike is constructed almost entirely out of bamboo.  Though there are a number of fantastic bamboo bikes currently on the market, this might be the first recumbent bike that boasts almost total bamboo construction.