Monday, May 23, 2011

Vertical Gardening Update: Mini Greenwall Installed

Previously, we highlighted a new product for greenwall installations from Woollypocket. This month we put the product to the test and installed a mini green wall in the kitchen. I have wanted a vertical garden element in the house for a long time, and I was thrilled how it turned out. I have low light in this area of the house, so I chose to use a variety of ferns and orchids which I hoped would thrive with a northern exposure. We used a base of sphagnum moss due to its light weight and ability to hold moisture. This seems to be working quite well for the plants we selected. The birdnest ferns are thriving as are the orchids. We hope to try out some orchids native to Florida in the future. We have some butterfly orchids that are just dying to be showcased.

A couple of quick tips for those readers wishing for a green wall of their very own: First, it is best to use plants that don’t drop leaves. Since my initial install, I have swapped out some of the hanging succulents for a different fern that has water requirements more similar to the other plants we utilized. Second, make sure to use the enclosed hardware that comes with your Wally pocket. The finished product can get pretty heavy.