Pineland Acacia
(Acacia pinetorum)
A wonderful, hardy native shrub, the Pineland Acacia adds beauty and texture to native gardens. With it’s zig zag branches and bright yellow pom pom-like flowers, this shrub makes a great addition to borders and fence lines. Its greatest asset, however, is the fantastic fragrance the flowers exude when in bloom. A single Pineland Acacia can make your whole garden smell wonderful.
It’s usefulness is not limited to it’s aesthetics, however. It is the primary larval host plant of the nickerbean blue butterfly (Hemiargus ammon) and the foliage is utilized by the endangered key deer found in the Florida Keys. This acacia also features hardy spines which can act as an effective barrier. It is often used in fence rows to discourage unwanted guests.
Pineland Acacia is available through native plant nurseries and is also readily propagated from seeds or cuttings. It is a very drought tolerate shrub that requires no additional water once established. It flourishes best in full sun, but can tolerate partial shade.